Lateral Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Isometric Overhead Postural Squat
Back Good Morning
Isometric Overhead Middle Low to High Front Squat Rotation
Back Good Morning Middle Low to High Rotation
Front Squat Push Press
Front Squat Middle Low to High Push Press Rotation
Front Squat Middle Low to High Rotation
Front Squat Low Rotational to Middle High
Dynamic Overhead Postural Single Leg Flexion Extension
Alternate External Forward 45 Degree Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Alternate External 90 Degree Step Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Alternate Forward Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Back Squat Middle Low to High Rotational
Alternate Cross Over Forward 45 Degree Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Dynamic Overhead Postural Hip Flexion Extension
Dynamic Overhead Postural Lateral Bend
Dynamic Overhead Postural Rotation
Dynamic Overhead Postural Lateral Tilt
Alternate Drop Step 180 Degree Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Alternate Drop Step 120 Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Alternate Backwards Cross Under 45 Degree Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Alternate Drop Step 120 Contralateral Lunge Rotation
Alternate Backward Contralateral Rotation
Alternate 90 Degree Cross Over Step Contralateral Lunge Rotation